Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Better than Sex

Better than Sex, directed by Jonathon Teplitzky 2000.

Heed my words at your own cost. Here is a film that everyone in the room seemed to love except for me. Now don't get me wrong. It was entertaining, but it left me far from impressed and overall I found the film quite fleeting.

The premise of the film is that two people, Josh and Cin, meet at a party, take a cab home together, and then decide to have a one night stand that starts to lead to something more even though Josh is leaving in three days time.

While there are some clever moments and the cinematography is undeniably beautiful. The film, to me is ultimately hollow. There is an excessive amount of sex scenes between the two of them and the script itself is mostly non-existent. What dialogue does exist resides mainly in these quick cutting interludes where characters talk directly into the camera as if they are being interviewed. Think the segments with the various couples in When Harry Met Sally and you'll know exactly what I am talking about. The other revolves around a character, a taxi driver, that basically acts an omniscient voice to straighten Josh out and set him on the right path. It took me awhile to figure out what that reminded me off, but it strikes me as very similar to It Could Happen to You.

And that is generally what this movie boils down to for me. A collage of other movies but without any of its own creative twists. The characters are hollow and the events are cliche' .

Like I said the movie does have its own little charm, but I wouldn't rush out and pick it up.

**Two Stars

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